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Physics in Plain English

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Are You a Scientist?

Yes you are. So is anyone who has ever wondered about how the basics of how the world works, and the meaning of life in general. That's what science is all about.

If you are interested in the big picture, you could get a degree in physics - perhaps you already have one. You'll learn all about what is currently known and believed true about the universe.
Unfortunately, humankind has at the moment only solved a few pieces of a massive jigsaw puzzle. For all people's efforts, the sum total of currently accepted physics consists of mere fragments of the whole story. If you want to discover something new, you need to experiment!

That's where you come in. Everyone has a brain. Anyone can make a great discovery, including you. And so you should.

Everyone has great ideas about how the world works. Unfortunately, many highly talented people simply don't understand proper scientific method for proving that they are right, and grow disillusioned because the "scientific establishment" doesn't take their ideas seriously; which is unfortunate, since proper scientific practice is so easy to do

Are You a Scientist?

The Scientific Method

Writing an experimental log


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